New V.I.P. Bonus Welcome Pack

Thank you for your purchase and it’s our pleasure to welcome you as one of our VIPs!

多謝你的惠顧,我們衷心歡迎您加入成為Lane's VIP!

In addition to all the VIP BENEFITS, we would like to also offer you a “New VIP Bonus Welcome Pack” as a little thank you for becoming one of our VIPs.

成為Lane's VIP,你現在即可按你的貴賓級別,尊享各項VIP禮遇。為答謝您,我們特別額外送上我們的小小心意 -「貴賓迎新禮遇」。


  •  4 cash coupons with a total value of HK$4,000

  • Extra discount for private events and pre-order items

  • Offers extended to 6 months

  • 總值HK$4,000,共4款的現金購物禮券*

  • 預展或活動中惠顧任何特選貨品,即可享有額外購物折扣優惠*

  • 加長「貴賓迎新禮遇」尊享期至6個月


*All the offers are valid for 6 months starting from the 1st of next month upon the receipt of coupons.
現金購物禮券套裝及貴賓預展及活動額外購物優惠,有效期為 6 個月,並以本公司向客人發出短訊後的下一個月一號開始計算。
*The exact date of receipt should refer to the coupon/message shown on customer’s mobile phone.




    For further details of the terms and conditions of the coupons, you may click here
